Monday, February 18, 2013

Silver linings

I've been in biochemistry hell the last 24 hours, but it was my own fault. I hate biochem. so much I procrastinate by doing literally ANYTHING but studying. The class is online and there are no assignments, so I have to motivate myself to meet self-imposed deadlines. I had decided to take the exam today so that I can move on to unit 2 since I'm already behind. I watched the last two lectures Saturday, and on Sunday I didn't really get down to studying until I got home from Zumba around 8:30 pm...6 hours later I went to bed after analyzing all of my example tests. I studied after class this am for another 6 hours or so this afternoon and then went to take the essay test. It's hard enough to be able to recognize the names of enzymes and remember the steps of pathways enough to answer a multiple choice question, so essays are 100x worse. It wasn't my brightest idea...but I just wanted the stupid test over. The test didn't go very well, but as long as I beat out at least some of the people in my class I'll be fine grade-wise. I'm now officially braindead.

Silver linings of an otherwise crappy day:
1. I had the day off from work so it's like I got paid to study. Btw Happy Birthday George Washington!
2. I enjoyed pizza and a couple of episodes of Workaholics with my boyfriend.
3. I got the button attached onto my first knitting project- it's a pattern called's sort of like a hat minus the top part so you can wear a ponytail with it! 


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