Sunday, January 27, 2013

Let's catch up

I know you all were so disappointed I didn't post on Friday/Saturday. I was out of town helping with a Girl Scout day camp event in Sioux City! My friend Abbie is the camp director at Girl Scout Camp Joy Hollow. Having worked with her at Camp Tanglefoot, my other camp friends and I sometimes get tapped to help out with events. It's always a really good time because I get to reconnect with friends and usually act like little kids again.

On Friday night we left Ames around 6 pm and had a sleepover in the living room. We watched Pitch Perfect, although I don't think anybody made it very far into the movie before falling asleep. 

On Saturday the real fun began at 1 pm when the Girl Scouts arrived. They were mostly first and second graders which was great because they are so easy to please. We had an outdoor scavenger hunt, and then they got to play with playdough and made a mess with shaving cream finger painting. We capped off the afternoon with a trip to the sledding hill...the girls got to run down because there was no snow. Again- easy to please. They seemed to all have a great time.

 The picture doesn't do it justice...but the camp is situated in the Loess Hills which are these really pretty rolling hills that are apparently only in Iowa and China. 

The play-dough started out a little runny...we added a ton of flour to thicken it up and then we worked together to make this bouquet masterpiece.
Today I've been inside most of the day avoiding the freezing rain. I was forced to spend a little quality time outside trying to catch my neighbor Katie's dog Thor after he escaped! I was watching him and he slipped outside while I was trying to let my own dog out. Being the little stinker that he is he thought it was great fun to dart and dance away from me when I tried to bring him back in. Luckily her boyfriend Jake was available to help. It turns out the secret is to draw him in with a stick. Good to know! Thor and my dog Charlie are like brothers...we think they like each other but sometimes it's hard to tell : P Thor loves to play fight and Charlie is very possessive of his toys...


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