Sunday, January 20, 2013

Two for the price of one!

It was bound to happen eventually! Yesterday I was feeling exceptionally lazy after getting home from Zumba, so I spent probably 75% of the day finishing book three of The Game of Thrones series. Then, Ben and I went out for pizza and drinks at Old Chicago. It's one of our favorite spots because they have delicious pizza, and if you go after 9 pm you can get a mini pizza for $3 as well as cheap appetizers. Saturday is a good night to get beer there, too because you can get a pint for the price of a mug.
I joined the World Beer Tour because they have a mini-tour going on right now where you get a t-shirt if you drink 8 beers...seems pretty do-able! The only problem is I only have two weeks left! Sooo we'll see. I may have to bend the drink rule and have 3/week : P First the mini tour, then the world!

It's snowing today! This is the view from the back door of my apartment. I love having a big backyard area. It really cuts down on Charlie's barking...the apartment we looked at besides this one was 8 feet from the parking lot, so that really would have been a headache. He thinks everybody is out to get him I think.

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