Monday, January 7, 2013

Let's do this!

Today was day 1 of a new 9 week challenge at Goals in Motion. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are resistance days! We use kettlebells, medicine ball type things, resistance bands, and balance balls to do a variety of exercises at every class. It's always been a tough class, but lately more so because I've let myself get out of shape! Sorry it's not much of an action shot- once class got started we were all too busy pumping iron! : P 

I started working out there in May of last year, and completed my own 9 week challenge from the end of May until the end of July. After that, I signed up for a maintenance membership, but I let myself believe that my work was done after getting in shape and losing a few lbs. I would still come a few times a week, but I let other things interfere, and my eating habits slip. I'm still in pretty good shape compared to when I started, but I know I can do more. I've gained back some of the weight I lost, too, so that stinks! This time though I'm ready to get serious and make working out a priority every day! No more making excuses for myself! My boyfriend is doing P90X with one of his friends so we've both been making an effort to eat better and get in shape. Our favorite catchphrase lately is "Am I ripped yet?" Unfortunately, getting "ripped" is going to take more than a week...but we're on our way. : )


  1. Achieving a ripped body takes times, hard work and determination. It's not going to be easy but it's going to be worth it. Working out with a group is fun especially if you're with your friends. There are many ways on how we can maintain a healthy body. Glad that you found the work out that you can enjoy the most.

    Berta Claiborne @FitnessTogether

  2. Those workout balls are fun and exciting to look at! It's a good thing that exercise can be done in many ways. This gives people the chance to choose which physical activity will work best for them. By the way, how's the progress?

    Trevor Linden @Trevor Linden Fitness
